Carbon Leadership Forum (CLF) Boston/Northeast Hub
Policy & Advocacy Sub-Group Co-chair
August 2021 – present
The Boston/Northeast Chapter Hub of the international Carbon Leadership Forum (CLF) organization is one of the largest and most active chapters in the country of this organization working to decarbonize the built environment. Michelle Lambert co-chairs the Policy and Advocacy sub-group whose work is to collaborate across municipalities to develop, share and advocate for policy that reduces embodied carbon in buildings in order to accelerate their adoption in Massachusetts.

Guest Teacher/Project Coordinator, AP Studio Arts Class, Brighton High School, Brighton, MA
Spring 2019 – Common For All
A collaboration between Elkus Manfredi Architects, Lambert Sustainability, and Emerson College with Brighton High School to bring a real-world design challenge to the students of the AP Studio Art Program. The challenge focused on social equity and sustainable design in architecture as a means for creating dynamic and durable places. The goal was for students to engage in project-based learning that develops independent thinking, problem-solving, and team-building skills.
Chair of Workforce Training Program/Education Task Force, USGBC Massachusetts Chapter
Jan – Aug 2018
The Task Force focused on developing the educational offerings of the Chapter in conjunction with the Massachusetts Workforce Training Fund Program which offers grants to organizations to provide education and skills training to any disciplines looking to expand their expertise.
USGBC MA Chapter, Chair of Workforce Program Education Task Force, 2018
USGBC Greenbuild, Boston, 2017, Host Committee member, Legacy Project
Member of committee tasked with selecting Legacy Project winner and assisting with development of program.
USGBC Greenbuild, Boston, 2008, Host Committee, Director of Bioregional Sub-committee
Recruited 26 nonprofit organizations from 7 states as bioregional partners of the conference.
USGBC Greenbuild, Pittsburgh, 2003, Host Committee, Volunteer Coordinator
Recruited and coordinated over 100 conference volunteers.
Green Building Alliance, Pittsburgh, 2002-03, Education Advisory Committee
Volunteer member of the committee charged with creating the education program for this non-profit green building organization.
DOE Solar Decathlon, Washington DC, September 2002
Design and Construction Advisor to the student team from Carnegie Mellon University in the first Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Decathlon competition.